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Gateway Ghost Hunters Assoc Forum
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follows me through life

Hello I have never told anyone besides family about this stuff but my mother thinks its time i find out what going on with me. so I will start at the begin or the time I can actually remember it starting. When i was about 4 I remember a little boy that would come and stand near the door of my room at night. My brothers could see the shadow and when I hit the lights we all could hear his bear feet running down the hall. This would happen quite often me and my brothers got used to it. Then when I hit junior high I would have friends over and one by one they would they would tell me they didnt want to come over anymore. I finally asked why and they told me there was something about my room they didnt like. My best friend would always come over though and one night she sat up crying white as a ghost i asked why she told me there was a lady in the corner looking at me and it scared her. (i had bunk beds so I could not see her face anymore)After that she would not spend the night anymore then for a while things got quite nothing happned for a while the normal microwave going off in the middle of the night in that house we were very used to it. THen i moved in with my bf at 19 and for a while nothing happned then we moved into our own place for a while things were okay just the normal bumps and thing i have grown used to. We had a child and she had a tendacy to bring rocks in. On the way out the door to visit family i threw the rocks of the porch and got my stuff and left. when we returned the rocks were sitting one by one on the tv set. A few nights later me and my husband got in a huge fight and that night as we were sleeping i felt him grab my arm and heard him wheezing i turned on the lamp and he gasped for air and told me he could not breathe and something was on his chest when i felt that his chest it was ice cold and he was in tears. he is a big guy and does not belive in ghost he slept with the light on for a few nights. My inlaws dog would come over and go in my daughters room and just growl for hrs at nothing in my daughters room. We recently moved again and at first nothing and now i have seen a girl standing near my window and i can hear things walking around in the night when i tell my daughter to hold on and go check she askes me who it is even though i never told her i felt someone was in the house. THe other night i heard someone sallow and wet there lips behind me and turned and nobody was there now that im pregant it seems to have increased just afriad it will increase where i cant stop it. Am i nuts is there someone i can call to show me whats going on.. please email me somoene anyone and talk to me thanks