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To whom it may concern,
I am writing this letter to explain to you the situation that has arisen this past week. I understand that numerous national news channels and publications around Australia have led the public to believe that I was caught with on my property, or in my possession, a large quantity of drugs, drug manufacturing apparatus, and huge amounts of cash, amongst other illegal items.
This is totally and utterly false and a great deception that is once again an attempt to destroy my character or what is left of it.
As proof to verify that these implications are completely false, I have included with this letter the property receipts from the police themselves, of what was actually removed from my properties in which there is nothing illegal in regards to any of it.
1/ There was absolutely no drugs or evidence of drugs found or removed from any of my properties as was portrayed to the public by the media and police.
2/ There was absolutely no drug manufacturing equipment, pill presses or anything else that relates to the manufacture of illicit drugs found or removed from any of my properties.
3/ There were no large amounts of money found or removed from any of my properties.
The only money taken was approximately ten thousand dollars which was from my daughters Skye’s money box, the cash floats from our merchandise trolleys, merchandise that my wife Kath had sold on e-bay, one days banking from our business and some money that Kath and her family had put aside for her brothers head stone on his grave.
I don’t mind admitting that financially it is has been a tough time of late, but if I was this person that is being portrayed, would I be in the financial difficulty that I am in now? I wish I had the millions of dollars in cash they said I had and then I would pay off all my creditors.
I don’t want you to feel sorry for me, but what I do want is for you to think about the person that you know and have dealt with for the past number of years and please don’t judge me on the unjust ‘trial-by-media’ that I have received. I don’t know how, but I need to get the truth out there as to what really happened, and I would appreciate any help in regards to this.
In closing, this is going to be a very tough time for my family and I hope that none of you will think badly of them and will give them the support they deserve. Please spare a thought for Kath and Skye as they are the most important things in my life.
Thanks for your time.
Brett Stevens