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Well, you should -- at least all but the Sabbath Commandment.

As to the Sabbath Commandment, if you want to obey it, observe from 6 PM Friday - 6 PM Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath (I know of none other). Sunday, the first day of the week, is not the Sabbath, which is the 7th day of the week. The Sabbath was never "changed" to Sunday. We may call Sunday, "The Day of the Lord," as He rose on the First Day of the Week.

But we are actually warned vs. keeping Sabbaths in the Epistles.

Another thing to remember, however, is that that Law condemns (The 10 Commandments are only a part of the Law). The Christian life is not achieved by applying the Christian's holy will towards doing God's holy law. Romans 7 is clear on this. The Life we are to live in these human bodies is by faith in the Son of God. If righteousness come by the Law, then Christ died in vain. (See Galatians; start by reading the end of chapter 2 and then chapter 5; then read the whole thing.)