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St. Patrick's Day Navigation Run, Sunday 17th March 2013

As all of you who read Peter Jones' Avanti magazine must already know, I've been "volunteered" to organise a Treasure Hunt/Navigation Run through the Hertfordshire countryside. If you don’t currently receive Avanti, drop Peter an email at and he’ll add you to his mailing list.

So I've spent a few days plotting a route on my computer and today Linda and I had our first recce to check our route and within the first couple of miles we got lost! But we soldiered on and plotted a new route "on the fly" and it looks like we are good to go

The run will take place on Sunday 17th of March which is St. Patrick's Day so it will be very imaginatively named the St. Patrick's Day FMC Navigation Run.

We'll start at Baldock Services ( They are accessible from the A1(M) Junction 10 and also from the A507. Seems like a good starting place as it’s easily accessible for people from the North and from the South. Anyone wishing to travel a long way to join us can do so the day before and stay at the Days Inn hotel situated within Baldock Services (

We aim to set off at 11:00am. The route is slightly over 50 miles and we’ll end up at the Five Horseshoes pub in Little Berkhamsted for lunch and of course prize giving! (

While the route and other details still need to be finalised, we’ll need to get an idea of numbers well in advance. So if you’ll be attending or if you think you might be attending, please either send me an email at or simply post here your intention.

Membership Number: 8946

Re: St. Patrick's Day Navigation Run, Sunday 17th March 2013

My women and I had a trial run of the driving route yesterday to test what I thought were completed navigation instructions. But unfortunately due to a wrong "left" instead of "right" we got lost half way through . But we soon got back on course and corrected the mistake and a couple of others we found. We completed the route in just over two hours and we then had lunch at the Five Horseshoes and that took three and a half hours! But it was an excellent three course meal . I think we'll have to drive the route again before the 17th of March to make sure there are no more mistakes and I'm already looking forward to the lunch .

For those who will be joining us for lunch on the 17th of March, you can have 20% off your food bill if you join the Chef & Brewer 'club' at

I'm going to finalise the reservation for lunch with the Five Horseshoes pub very soon so if you'll be joining us and haven't already said so, please let me know

Membership Number: 8946

Re: St. Patrick's Day Navigation Run, Sunday 17th March 2013

With just two weeks to go, we had another, hopefully the last, test drive of the route today and a third try-out of the lunch venue And I confirmed 22 for lunch with the restaurant but told them we're likely to increase to 25 or even more as there are always some people late to confirm. So if you'll be coming for the navigation drive, or the lunch, or both and you haven't already told me, please let me know soon so I can inform the restaurant and to know how many navigation books I need to print

And if you'll be joining us for the lunch, don't forget to register at (The Five Horseshoes) so you can get 20% off your food bill

Membership Number: 8946

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