Shettleston History Project


Shettleston History Project
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My connection with Shettleston

Hello Tony,
My family lived in Shettleston for years. My gran and granda lived in South Chester Street ( No 88)and thier names were Annie and John Amato.THey both worked in the " Bottle Work" were my granda was a shope steward and my gran worked in the canteen. My mum Ina also grew up and now lives at 1154 Shettleston Road,she also worked in the canteen and that is were she met my step dad Wullie McFadyen who worked in quality control.
My mum and dad were married at St.Barnanbas which is now the "Barn Club" which my mum and Wullie attend every Sunday. My dad Sammy Snr. was the swimming attendant at the Shettleston Baths back in the 60s.This is were I learned to swim when I was only about a year old. I was brought up in Baillieston most of my days, but I spent a lot of them in Shettleston visiting my grans and other relatives.
I think you might be related to me somehow through my grandads side.I also used to be in the same class at St. Bridgets with a girl named Angela Jacanelli,is she a relative of yours ?
I really enjoyed looking round your site and I will pop in again to see whats new.

Re: My connection with Shettleston

Sorry Tony I spelt Angela Jaconelli wrong!
If you need any more information regarding Shettleston I can ask round my family for stories and pictures if you like.