Any info concerning the Hutch box cranks?
How long it have been made ? How many sets ? Who made it ? Did the design inspired Profile for their 1st gen cranks or the contrary ? As for the 48 splines ? Who design it ?
Concerning the Aerospeed cranks, it was Bill Grove's baby, why did it goes without the Profile 48s spindle ? Who have the blue prints for it ?
I have a non-serial XL24 with a "007", american font, engraved under the BB, could it be the signature of Bad Bob or any other welder ?
hi the first cranks were made by profile but we could not make those work to what we wanted the 2nd gen. was designed and made by bill groves they were the ones that we went into full production we did release some of profile edition but most of those came back to us broke but sure there are still some out there.
The 007 was a signature of bob's he was one of our best welders and factory clown always was up to something to keep things interesting around there.
Hi Rich!
I've another question for you.
Check out this links please (Hutch ID page):
The "unknown Pro racer" and "unknown Judge" on that page (click on the photo's to see them bigger).
At first sight it's look like a USA made frame set.
But the font of the serial number is diffrent (number is simular like the US serials). Font of HUTCH in the brake bridge is also little diffrent. Vent hole in the seatstays behind the seattube. Key slot in the seatube (where the seatpostclamp goes). Middle weld on the inside of the fork dropouts (US forks doesn't have a weld at that place).Rear dropouts are rounded at the end of the slot (US drops are shart at the end of the slot).
In my opinion it's tai made.
But still people think it's US made for sure because such frame with a nora cup decal 1984/1985 on it and a "made in USA" decal.
So, what could it be?
Tai made?
Tai stamped pieces and weld in the USA (welds look Tai for me)?
Any info on this would be great!
Hi Rich,
Thanks for answering some of these questions. BTW - I grew up and still live in Pasadena, MD, although I went to Fort Meade High School, most of my good friends graduated from Chesapeake between 1990-93. Needless to say, Hutch was a huge deal around here.
I own a Special K Frame. Do you happen to know how many of these were produced? What else do you remember about these frames? Also, What ever happened to Special K Collins?
hi the first cranks were made by profile but we could not make those work to what we wanted the 2nd gen. was designed and made by bill groves they were the ones that we went into full production we did release some of profile edition but most of those came back to us broke but sure there are still some out there.
The 007 was a signature of bob's he was one of our best welders and factory clown always was up to something to keep things interesting around there.
Thanks Rich
Thanks a lot Rich, it helps me a lot, all those info are precious.