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Churches and sheet music.

Most churches, at least all that I have been in recent years buy a license to reprint on paper or on overhead gels the music and words for all copyrighted music and printed materials. I suspect that some do cheat but in the mainstream that frowned upon and most keep their noses clean. There is a special church license but I can't recall what it is called..the initials are CLC...and I think there is another letter and it is required that it be included along with your unique number on all materials that are reproduced.


Re: Churches and sheet music.

Our church kept a list of copyrighted songs and paid for any we used. They tried to be as honest as they could. I was on the Praise and worship team is the reason I knew about it. I played a mean trumpit and bass gittar, now I can't remember a note. Think it is called old age. MVB ES

Re: Re: Churches and sheet music.

I really believe in the earlier years that churches weren't aware of the legalities involved and some innocently did the copying.
However, I hope Horace is right because I have some gospel music that has been recorded and get paid sometimes for sheet music called 'piano forte'(I don't know what that means). None of my songs that I know of have made the church hymnals, but they have been printed in some books...

Re: Re: Re: Churches and sheet music.


I just have to tell you almost EVERYTHING about music, don't I, PeeDud?

"Piano" is simply a "shortened" form of the original Eye-tallion word "pianoforte" --- the name of the big black thingy with the rows of white thingies on top? You know what I mean?

NO! NO! NO! I am NOT talking about Ray Charles, you dummy! The big, black thing that HE made music on.

(Don'tcha reckon they're really paying you for piano sheet music? Seriously?)

Re: Re: Re: Re: Churches and sheet music.

Maybe you mean Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney.

I was too busy writing songs to get involved with musical terms...