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Re: The Death of America as we knew it

Well I guess I did it again. Lordy me...will I never learn and better still will I ever be forgiven?

Reading this thing is like walking through a mine field especially if you posses an uncontrollable tongue.

Sorry Mister Holmes.


Re: The Death of America as we knew it

Once when I lived in another state which shall go unamed for obvious reasons, there was a man and his wife(at least I think she was...oops...anyway they lived and worked (as in defrauded the general populace) in the states largest city. When they were found out as tragic as that was in that particular state they were reluctantly indicted and sentenced to jail. Both of them were grossly overweight, and there is a point to my mentioning that...when they arrived at the jail house the female of the pair could not be locked one of our number likes to say..."a true, true story"....the reason being that she was so( I'm struggling here..I need a politically correct word for FAT). Anyway this person could not be locked up because the door to the jail cell was not wide enough as a result of poor planning by the powers that be in that unnamed city. The incident hit the news media and ignited a plethera of jokes about the poor defensless Opera Lady...I new I figure it out...anyway the winning joke went something like this...."How do you get _______ ________ into a jail cell" ANSWER "You grease the bars and throw in a TWENKIE"(I haven't eaten one in so long I have forgotten how to spell it, maybe it is with an i instead of an e ).


Re: The Death of America as we knew it

Horace I believe the words would be BIG BONE woman.

Re: The Death of America as we knew it

You got it Jim..


Re: The Death of America as we knew it

Good, Jimmy....but I'd say posteriorly endowed.

HAR! HAR! HAR! (Life's fun when you can crack yourSELF up!

Re: The Death of America as we knew it

I'd say that one is good too but her endowment went all the way around, up and down and like ugly, it went all the way to the bone.


Re: The Death of America as we knew it

Well, lard goes all the way to the bone, too, Horace...but it CAN be even deeper than ugly.

Re: The Death of America as we knew it

HAR!HAR! HAR! Remember that the next time you have trouble gettin' into your Smart Car, Horace.

Re: The Death of America as we knew it

No sweat, Folks.....O'Blammo's gonna stage a "TWINKIE BAILOUT" any day now....just you wait and see....maybe four hunnerd trillion Chinese dollars.

You don't expect the boy to miss picking up "The Twinkie Vote" for the next election, do you? I figure he'll put out an excecutive order making himself eligible to serve as "Idiot-in-Chief" for the rest of his life.

Re: The Death of America as we knew it

Thassokay, Sir Horace....just say three "Oh, shuckses" and ten "Shoot fires" and it'll all be good.

Re: The Death of America as we knew it

1. Leaving you an opening for an excuse is right neighborly, don'tchathink?

2. 82-footers (as I remember) AIN'T fishin' boats...they is SHIPS!

(...but it's okay for you to be wrong, Chuckles....we still love you! )

Re: The Death of America as we knew it

Correction: The Gomol was/is 85 feet long. As I said, that ain't nobody's "boat."

Re: The Death of America as we knew it

Chuck, did you stop by any of the coffee filling stations? If so, would you share with us who was out?
I described you to a few of my friends and suggested they meet you. Told them a man, military type, with two young boys. Hope you haven't grown a beard or something of that nature in prep of your retirement days.

Re: The Death of America as we knew it

Ivy, We were too busy to look in on any coffee houses. Maybe I'll have a better chance one of these week-ends soon. By the way, I've had a full beard since 1990!

Re: The Death of America as we knew it

I had described you to a few people and a full beard was part of the description. Just trying to be cute in my other posting. I would like you bald and clean shaven.
A few people would like to talk to you about posting on the connection. So, be sure you post your planned trips even if you do get busy with other things.

Re: The Death of America as we knew it

My Dad died with plenty of hair (receding a bit, but not falling out) and I plan to do the same. Baldness isn't in my genes, I guess. The facial hair is preference, which luckily is still mine! Check your email for a response about people wanting to post.

Take care all,

and Roll Tide,

keep it in the SEC and the State.!

Re: The Death of America as we knew it

Chuck, I want to talk to you about people wanting to post, too.

See, I want to post more, but I'm sorta bashful.

Sorta reserved and dignifried, too...if y'know whattamean.