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Annual Euchre Tournament ~ STARTS January 7, 2022

Annual Euchre Tournament ~ STARTS January 7, 2022

Come on out on Friday evenings beginning January 7, 2022 to play Euchre. Sign-up starts at 6:45pm, with a start time of 7pm. If you are coming down but running a few minutes late, please call the Club and let us know. You may be the person needed to add another table.

Cost is $5 per person and all entry fees are paid out every night to the top 4 scores. You pay $0.10 per Euchre and the Euchre pot is given away to a player (not someone who placed in the top 4 spots) by a random draw of one of the losing score cards.

In the past, card players attending a minimum of 50% of the scheduled Euchre Fridays have been invited to a complimentary surf & turf banquet held the last night (date to be determined). Our plan is to offer the same for the 2022 Season.

Make plans to join us whenever you can on Fridays in January, February, and March. It's a fun way to spend a winter evening playing cards with your friends and supporting Swan!!

If you are feeling sick or have a known Covid exposure, please respect the health of those around you and wait to come down once you are feeling better or have been cleared to be around others.

Any questions, contact Joyce or Tom Stoll, or Becky Tumminello.