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2024 Dock Fees and 2/3/24 Dock Meeting Information

Dock Holders - half of your dock fee is due by 1/31/24, with the remaining balance due on 4/1/24. If you are a new member/dock holder that obtained a dock during the 2023 season, or now wants to request a dock after the official February 2023 dock meeting, you need to attend the 2024 dock meeting on 2/3/24 @ 4pm to secure your permanent dock. If you’re planning to change docks or want a second dock, you also need to attend the dock meeting. You MUST fill out a dock application or dock change request prior to the dock meeting. These are located on the Swan website and from the bartender at the club – fill them out and email them to dockmaster@swanboatclub.com or put them in my drop box. If you do not pay half of your dock fee by 1/31, you may lose your dock to someone that chooses it at the dock meeting. YOU CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THE DOCK MEETING TO PAY HALF YOUR DOCK FEE (this is due to us needing to summarize seniority dates for dock selections).

Note that the dock fees have increased for 2024:
Boats under 31 foot are now $475
Boats 31 foot and longer are now $525

Dock meeting agenda:
1) Current members/dock holders in good standing dock change requests, based on seniority
2) New members (that did not attend the 2023 dock meeting) dock selection requests, based on seniority.
3) Members wanting a second dock, based on seniority (note that second docks are never permanent, and you need to renew yearly)

These are the members that had temporary docks/dock changes in 2023 that need to submit requests and attend the meeting (your name is in blue on the dock board at the club):
Dock # Name
1 Cook, Mike
8 Docusen, Dan (second dock)
11 Vlodyka, Stanley
22 Sims, Jayson
26 Martin, Victor (second dock)
29 Phillips, Rob
30 Nelson, Randal (second dock)
31 Fuller, Adam
36 Moltar, Austin
40 Docusen, Dan (permanent dock)
41 Childress, Brandon
43 Childress, Brandon (second dock)
60 Burkmier, Vince
63 Braxton, Scott
66 Breen, Patrick (second dock)
88 Lee, Garry
92 Haight, John
97 Lesinski, Bill
98 Barton, Danny
105 Williams, Greg
107 Wright, Chris
110 Kuhl, Donald
112 Ferris, Melissa
113 Liberty, Richard (second dock)
118 Knox, Rick (second dock)
123 Richardson, Dan
130 Peterfeso, Keith
131 Ledger, Mark

Let me know if you have any questions.