The Sylacauga Connection

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The Sylacauga Connection
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$2.09.9/gal. BP

Gasoline!! Milk $2.79+tax = $3.02/gal!! Wish I was smart enough to understand things like the above.

Re: $2.09.9/gal. BP

Not that I'm all that smart, Ivy, but, shoot, I can explain THAT for you!

See, what it IS is both the cow AND you are getting milked!


Re: $2.09.9/gal. BP

Not to oversimplify things but as long as we continue to pay the price for milk....they will maintain it or raise it. Now the gas thing don't even try.

By the way did you all catch the news the other day about the 7/11 stores decision on CITGO gasoline? 2,100 7/11 stores across the country have severed their ties to CITGO and are buying from independent distributors...who may or may not be buying CITGO without you knowing it but I think it is an admirable move on the part of a rather significant CITGO customer.


Re: Re: $2.09.9/gal. BP

2.13.9 in Butler, Horace, We don't have a 7/11 store in Butler. If we did, I sure would trade there.

Re: Re: $2.09.9/gal. BP

Admirable, sure, maybe...but just to show you how cynical and underhanded businesspeople can be, CITGO announced in JANUARY, I believe, that THEY were letting their contract to supply 7-Eleven with gasoline expire on September 30.

SO, what 7-Eleven is doing NOW is taking advantage of the backlash against Hugo Chavez, Argentina, and CITGO, to gain customers because of their "dropping" CITGO. What a crock of doodoo!